
Proven Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar- Weight Loss, Anti Dandruff and Skin nourishment.

  • 15 December 2021


History of Apple Cider Vinegar From 400BC-2022

Want to aid your weight-loss regimen, harmful bacteria, and manage your blood sugar levels? Not to be confused with regular apple cider or the alcoholic cider found in several regions of Europe. However, there might be a one-step solution to these. A host of other maladies in apple cider vinegar is a potentially powerful supplement to your daily routine, which can help with lots of ailments while also being easy on the taste buds.

Interestingly, evidence shows that Hippocrates of Greece during 400 BC first suggested using apple cider vinegar to ward off basic slights such as coughs and fever when used in proportion with honey. Furthermore, there is some historical proof that several cultures throughout Asia and Africa also believed in the potential of apple cider vinegar.

Despite the hardy drink being around for millennia, whether such an easily obtained drink has all the benefits it claims? 

Whether the capabilities of apple cider vinegar are scientifically verified facts or a simple myth passed down by generations of families? Thankfully recent research shows that the evidence is present aplenty, with marked improvement upon including apple cider vinegar in a diet.

What is apple cider vinegar?

Evolving as it did as a home remedy, apple cider vinegar soon caught the eye of manufacturers started mass production and selling it commercially as a healthy organic drink.

Firstly, apples are crushed and exposed to yeast, where "good" bacteria ferment the fructose content and other lesser carbohydrate sugars in apples into alcohol.

Secondly, oxidation converts alcohol into acetic acid, the primary component of vinegar, which is the main reason for the odor of apple cider vinegar and gives it its 'bite.' Apple cider vinegar also has a large amount of potassium.

In its purest and organic form, apple cider vinegar has a substance called "MOTHER" floating in it.

"Mother" consists of strands of protein and the yeast-and-bacteria mix, which stands in a semi-standing position in the liquid.

There are two schools of thought regarding which component of apple cider vinegar lends it its beneficiary powers – researchers back the acetic acid to be the reason for apple cider vinegar potency. While some believe the 'mother' is the primary substance for ciders health benefits.

What are the benefits of apple cider vinegar?

Be it the 'mother' or the acetic acid content! Apple cider vinegar is good for the body. The jury is still out on what apple cider vinegar helps with, for lack of enough tangible research, but its benefits are still out there for all to see.

Infographic describes the uses of apple cider vinegar and its nutritional values.

Weight Loss: 

A rather silly reason is the primary one why apple cider vinegar helps in weight loss. Vinegar intake imparts a feeling of fullness to people, resulting in them eating less than they would, which in turn pulls the reins in on cholesterol levels and helps aid lipid control. 

The drink has very few calories, equating to about (3) calories per tablespoon and weight loss is slow and not very substantial, yet it aids in losing weight with other health benefits.

Fighting diabetes and lowering blood sugar levels.

Apple cider vinegar helps regulate fasting blood sugar levels to an extent. In addition, recent research shows that it can significantly decrease glucose content in the blood and help with insulin sensitivity.

Dermal Health: 

Cider is well known for its anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties. 

Soft cider helps control various skin diseases like eczema, irritations, and acne. 

Apple cider vinegar can open the pores and increase blood flow, and the presence of 'friendly' bacteria in it can help counter the infection in acne.

Apple cider vinegar helps to stabilize the natural pH of the skin.


The use of apple cider vinegar as a digestive catalyst is a no-brainer. The stomach uses concentrated HCl to digest food. Therefore, people with low acidity in the stomach, which causes indigestion and gas-related issues, can use the acidic properties of apple cider vinegar to help indigestion.

Follicular Issues:

Dandruff does not only cause you to be wary of both head and shoulders when out on that date, but it also causes prodigious hair fall!!!

Apple cider vinegar tends to have antifungal properties.

While research is inconclusive on it, there is hard empirical evidence that it helps in neutralizing the yeast, which causes dandruff on the scalp.  

However, the customary practice has shown that it is beneficial for hair growth and has anti-dandruff properties.

Nasal and Sore Throats: 

The high amount of potassium helps thin the mucosal lining of the nasal sinuses. 

Acetic acid is an antagonist of Bacterial. So you can bid stuffy noses goodbye, using just a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water to help unclog the nasal airways. 

It has a similar effect on sore throats, with the acid numbing the soreness upon minimal gargling.

Detoxifying Agent: 

As a detoxifying agent, apple cider vinegar again has proven itself. 

Its acidic properties help kill any bacteria present in fruits and vegetables help it score over simple washing by water.

Apple cider vinegar's role as a mouthwash is undeniable since ACV kills Bacteria present in the oral cavity. 

It finds application as a detergent, helping free fibers and neutralizing the alkaline effect left behind by soaps, thus helping clean better.


Yet another use of apple cider vinegar comes across as a no-brainer. Vinegar has been widely used as a pickling and preservative agent for centuries, and apple cider vinegar acts similarly, with its acidic properties helping in staving off the bacteria.

Recommended Intake:

Common sense speaks to us when wondering about dosage regarding apple cider vinegar. Overuse may cause tooth enamel damage, increased acidity, and gastric problems. 

While a daily dosage should not have any problem, it must be regulated and restricted to small amounts and must always be diluted in large glasses of water. 

Typical dosages should range from 5ml to 20ml per day, mindfully in a large glass of water every time to aid dilution.

So…what is the verdict?

Research at the preliminary stage on whether apple cider vinegar is an alternative to full-time prescribed medicine!!! 

It is, however, a handy home supplement that can deal with a host of illnesses and numerous health benefits.

Since its consumption does have a fair share of related effects, a careful dosage is essential.

Harmful side effects which are not lethal and not fatal can be dangerous in day-to-day life and can severely impair healthy living over a long period if the dosage is unregulated. As mentioned before, enamel erosion, acidity, and even skin illnesses can result from over-dosage.  

Thus, it is safe to say that apple cider vinegar can be a very tough rally, but its benefits outweigh the cons by following the recommended dosage like most other home recipes. 

  • Health & Nutrition

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